For your information please read our terms and conditions before applying for wholesale access.

  • Your opening order will be on a proforma basis (paid for before we ship).
  • Opening order minimum value is $500.00 + GST + freight. Opening orders that are submitted under this amount will not be processed.
  • Re-order minimum value is $400.00 + GST + freight
  • To have a 30 day credit account we require an Account Credit Application Form to be completed and returned to us including the three credit reference at the end of form.
  • We do not supply individuals or businesses who retail solely through eBay/Facebook/Markets/discount sites etc.
  • Whilst we do not set any minimum pricing we have a RRP of a 100% mark up across our range. If you have new season Alimrose products on sale continuously for a period of more than 15 days consecutively we consider this to be a discount style store.
  • Your log in details are for you only and are not be shared. If the ownership of the business changes then these details cannot be passed on to the new owner as we will establish new login details for them.
  • If you sell your business you must notify us of new ownership the day that the exchange occurs.


    If you agree with the above terms and conditions and would like to become a Alimrose stockist to place orders on this wholesale website, please complete this form.